Category Archives: Parenting

Pyjama day…

Well it is Sunday & now officially winter so why not. Hubby was at work again. The dog had taken to the sofa & refused to even venture out even to pee. I personally had a shower & actually put on leggings & a sweatshirt which is the next best thing really. Our Saturday’s are almost as busy as the weekdays so Sunday has become a bit of a dossing day. However, it’s amazing how productive you can be with an extra hour in the day, & that’s after a big sleep in. Not only is most of the laundry done (because it’s never all done), I prepared a stew to simmer in the slow cooker all day, changed the beds (well got the boys to strip their beds which is almost the same thing), took down the Halloween decorations (all 6 of them), & made a good start on making elder child’s new quilt for his newly updated tween room. I am ashamed to say they ate Halloween candy for lunch, but they made up for it with a good hearty dinner which hubby was home in time to also enjoy. We then tested out our newly purchased ‘Professor chairs’ around the games table with a game of Cluedo (or just ‘Clue’ as it is known in North America which is so not right), in front of a roaring fire. Tomorrow it’s back to the chaos of renovating & the madness of parenthood, & not enough hours to sleep again!

I wish…

I wish for a lot of things but tonight I wish I could get excited again about swimming. I don’t understand why I don’t enjoy it anymore. I used to be a complete water babe, swimming for a club until I was about 16, then only really stopped my 2-3 miles a week when I had my eldest child. It’s supposed to be really good for me, both mentally & physically so why does it make me grumpy & emotional? Physically I feel like I’ve done 20 rounds in a boxing ring not 20 lengths of the pool. If it wasn’t for the fact I would just be sitting for 3 hours watching the boys swim for their club & ‘pinning’ stuff I probably wouldn’t have got back in the water. The only thing that makes me feel good about it is that I can get into the ‘fast lane’ & pass the same person twice in the time it takes them to do one length!

I remember when I used to swim at the Aquatic centre when we first moved to Canada. I was pretty fit then, but, I would often have to move from the fast lane into the medium lane to use my kick board. I think if I swam there now I would just about survive in the slow lane. It is a 50 metre pool, which I used to love because you didn’t have to tumble turn as much. Maybe it was psychological, but I always thought I swam further because the lengths didn’t seem much longer really. Not sure how I’d manage 20 lengths of a 50m pool now.

Like I say, it can only be good for me, & maybe I’m expecting too much of myself. In my head my body can still do everything it did before, but in reality it needs to find a new level for the way it is now. It makes me feel old & crippled, even though I’m not really. It’s good that the boys club night makes me do it, & I think it sets a good example to them for the future.

I’ll keep going…

The audition…

My elder son has always been keen to perform in shows/plays/musicals, but when it comes down to it he looses confidence when he is put in the spotlight. He did an amazing job in the school play earlier this year as part of the drama club, & has talked about wanting to take his ambitions further. However, although he is a very confident child for his age I’m not sure if in reality performing will suit him. Every other year the school puts on a musical & casts grade 4-12, which he is eligible for this time around. He found out about the auditions while he was away at camp last week & was very keen on putting his name forward. While we were with his teacher my younger son over heard that his big brother wanted to audition & immediately jumped on it asking if he could too. The disappointment on his face when he was told he was too young was so sad. But, it turned out that he could audition & if the drama teacher thought he was up to it, she may allow him to perform.

Over the weekend I asked elder child to sing ‘Somewhere Over the Rainbow’ – the song they had been told to sing, but he was unable to do this comfortably in front of me, & couldn’t do it in front of friends. He got better over the weekend but sadly didn’t really show the confidence that he really needed. He has been given a couple more days because he had a soccer tournament today. On the other hand, little brother totally nailed the song & the amusing poem he chose to recite, telling & singing to anyone who would listen, &… totally nailed the audition! Apparently the grade 9 & 10 students stood next to him, also auditioning, couldn’t even remember the words to the song, & , it turns out he is the youngest student EVER to audition. I am so proud of him for just putting himself forward. We’ll just have to wait now to see what happens…

One thing led to another…

… & before a realized what I was doing I’d rearranged half the room. My craft room is great, I love it. However, I still wasn’t sure I had some if the things in the right place yet. Today, when I was clearing away one project ready to start another one, I began to feel like all I was doing was moving deck chairs on the Titanic. Every where I wanted to put something down there was already something else in it’s way. So I would move that somewhere else & then later want to put something else there, & so it went on.

I’m suffering from insomnia again at the moment. My neck is causing me a lot of discomfort, for reasons that are not very clear. I have some stuff fogging my brain & clouding my thoughts – both during the day & at night. I know I’m not on the ball right now, I’ve given the boys each other’s lunches a few times now, & is not always easy for them to switch at school. I’m forgetting things & behaving clumsy. It’s not a bad thing that I am just hanging out at home for most of this week, less likely to get into any serious trouble. Instead, I could have gotten my self into a right pickle moving shelves, but of course I didn’t think of that at the time, or how bad it would be for my neck!

Still, it’s done now & I think it will work better to have all my card making & scrapbooking stuff occupying one corner of the room instead of either side of my big craft table. I now have my eye on our old dining room table to put my sewing machine on, but it’s currently being stored in a different part of the house. I think it best that I save that for another rainy day.