Monthly Archives: October 2016

Poor hubby…

He always takes vacation the week of his birthday (usually because I’m going to Vegas with the girls, but not this year sadly). This morning we did presents & cards before he did the school run & walked the dog. I had to go into school for 11 to finish the Gala projects, then I was going to take him out for a birthday lunch. The first thing to go wrong was the coffeemaker, & you know how I am about my coffee. Sure we could make Keurig’s or Nespresso’s but we use our drip coffeemaker every morning for breakfast & it’s set on a timer so it’s always ready. No auto drip coffee would be a right pain.

So I had the thought that we could luncheon on Granville street & pop in Williams & Sonoma to purchase a new one. First we went to the little Bistro I had been wanting to try for a while, but they were closed on Monday’s (oops, should have checked that!). Instead I suggested a restaurant across the street we hadn’t been to in years. Williams & Sonoma was on our way. We browse the coffeemakers & make our selection but ask if they can keep it for us until we’ve had lunch – by this time we were both starving.

On our way to lunch I realize that I’d missed a couple of calls from school. There was also a message from younger child, which is a first. Poor thing had not felt well in the later part of the morning, had eaten lunch & promptly threw up. Hubby was clearly not allowed to have his birthday lunch on his birthday. We headed straight to school to pick up our sick 7 year old. He did look a bit peeky but by the time we got home he was keen to do his homework & help me set up the new coffeemaker. Needless to say the little ‘fraud’ then watched a movie & drank plenty with no signs of any vomiting. He then complained of hunger at dinner time but I refused to allow him to have the casserole, just in case. Soup & dry bread for you mate!

After all that I’m happy to say he’s fine, & will definitely be going back to school tomorrow in the hope that at some point in this week off I can try again to take hubby for lunch, & this time it will be to the bistro I intended togo to in the first place.

Happy Birthday to my wonderful, understanding hubby!

They say write everyday…

… well somedays you just don’t feel like writing. Not because you have nothing to say, you just don’t feel like it.Then other days you just want to write all day & all night. I don’t think it should be forced, writing for the sake of it is not going to make you a better writer. Write what you want, when you want & how you want, because you are writing for you & nobody else!

The audition…

My elder son has always been keen to perform in shows/plays/musicals, but when it comes down to it he looses confidence when he is put in the spotlight. He did an amazing job in the school play earlier this year as part of the drama club, & has talked about wanting to take his ambitions further. However, although he is a very confident child for his age I’m not sure if in reality performing will suit him. Every other year the school puts on a musical & casts grade 4-12, which he is eligible for this time around. He found out about the auditions while he was away at camp last week & was very keen on putting his name forward. While we were with his teacher my younger son over heard that his big brother wanted to audition & immediately jumped on it asking if he could too. The disappointment on his face when he was told he was too young was so sad. But, it turned out that he could audition & if the drama teacher thought he was up to it, she may allow him to perform.

Over the weekend I asked elder child to sing ‘Somewhere Over the Rainbow’ – the song they had been told to sing, but he was unable to do this comfortably in front of me, & couldn’t do it in front of friends. He got better over the weekend but sadly didn’t really show the confidence that he really needed. He has been given a couple more days because he had a soccer tournament today. On the other hand, little brother totally nailed the song & the amusing poem he chose to recite, telling & singing to anyone who would listen, &… totally nailed the audition! Apparently the grade 9 & 10 students stood next to him, also auditioning, couldn’t even remember the words to the song, & , it turns out he is the youngest student EVER to audition. I am so proud of him for just putting himself forward. We’ll just have to wait now to see what happens…

Parent’s have fun together too!

This is my 2nd year as a class parent for my elder son’s year, grade 5. When I began this role I suggested to the other class parents very early on in the school year that we organise a parent social event. As I was the one suggesting, & I also have the right kind of house for that sort of thing, I ended up hosting it of course. It was a small gathering of about 16 parents last year, but was still a great success. This year I was asked by a number of parents if we were going to organize another one, so we did & it was held last night. It was an even bigger success than last year, so much so that I think we might organize another one in late spring before the kids finish early for the summer.

It is funded by the parents themselves. When we asked for their yearly contribution to our gala project & gift fund we requested an extra $10 to cover the cost of the food. We ask everyone to bring a bottle of their favourite go to wine, I bought extra cheese, chips, crackers when I was grocery shopping ing Costco, & we (my fellow class parent & friend) laid out platters of nibbles. We started the evening relatively early at 6.30, expecting it to be over by about 9.30. At 10.30 last night it was still going strong, which suggested people were enjoying themselves enough to not notice the time.

Some of those parents are either good friends, or I see them regularly at school, but there were some parents whom I never see – usually the dad’s. I tried to make a point of talking to those parents I don’t see all the time, otherwise what is the point in arranging a gathering to get know people better if you only hang out with the people you know well? I was complemented on being a great hostess, which is lovely to hear since I just make sure everything is kept well stocked & basically leave people to help themselves. It is meant to be casual & relaxed, which is why it’s works well to be in someone’s home. Everybody mingles freely without the pressure picking up their share of the tab if they want to leave early. I consider myself to be very lucky to have such a beautiful home to entertain in, & although I’m very particular & a typical type A in many ways, I have a very open door – as long as you don’t go anywhere near my craft room unless I am supervising you.

After waking up a bit ropey this morning, I am now finishing off leftover wine before facing another week of crazy life. I’m sure I will see several parents who enjoyed socializing, & what you realize when you get talking to them is that everyone’s left is just as crazy as yours, they just have a different calendar of craziness!

Blowing a hoolie!

I think this might be a phrase from the north of England but you have to admit it is very descriptive – especially when I’m referring to the weather. There are trees down & total wipeouts everywhere. I even got an email from school this afternoon asking to pick up asap because the power had gone out.

What a mess!!!

So, one G&T down, hot bath & pj’s on, wine breathing, roaring fire & Netflix at the ready…

Welcome to Fall!

School Camp…

This is the 3rd time my elder son has gone to camp. It’s a little bit strange without him, especially at swim club tonight as we got home an hour earlier. I’m not in the slightest bit worried about him, he’s very independent, but there is a big storm brewing here in BC so he could be paddling home in a kayak!

All good character building.